Main focus: Games
Twitter handle: @Andreacmeyer
Languages: German, English
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Topics: moderation, serious games, queer, public administration, food-coops, public management, idpet
Andrea Meyer (born 1970) creates, develops and publishes board and card games and engages in educating game designers.
She gave several speeches at the German game designer conference.
She is an experienced moderator and offers playful education for adults (through roleplay and group games).
Years in the federal administration and an Executive Master of Public Management (Hertie School of Governance Berlin, 2013) taught her theory and reality of modernising public management. In 2007/08 hat she was a fellow of the American Council on Germany and travelled though the US for four weeks researching on acceptance of renewable energies.
With her wife and son Andrea Meyer lives in Berlin and experiences - among others during the step child adoption - highs and lows of life in a rainbow family. She wrote on acceptance and homophobia (#idpet) at kleiner 3 and spoke at Republica 14 #rp14 together with Nele Tabler.
From her own experience she can tell about IRL-social networks in building groups, co-operative societies and Food-Coops.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Artikel zur Petition gegen den baden-württembergischen Bildungsplan 2015, in dem die Thematisierung (u.a.) sexueller Vielfalt in allen Unterrichtsfächern angedacht ist.
Jährliche Veranstaltungsreihe mit Konferenzen zur Weiterbildung für AutorInnen von Gesellschaftsspielen. Andrea Meyer ist Mitbegründerin der Reihe, hat Vorträge gehalten und moderiert.
McCloy Fellowship Report 2007/2008, American Council on Germany
Besprechung des Dokumentarfilms "Valentine Road" über einen Hate Crime in den USA 2008.
Vortrag mit Nele Tabler bei der re:publica 14 #rp14 über den Widerstand gegen die #idpet - Petition gegen die Aufnahme des Leitprinzips "Akzeptanz sexueller Vielfalt" in den baden-württembergischen Bildungsplan 2015.