Cäcilia Zirn

Main focus: Text Mining

Languages: German, English

City: Mannheim

Country: Germany

Topics: business intelligence, sentiment analysis, text mining, opinion mining, text mining on political documents, computational linguistics, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, nlp, data science, chatbots, social media monitoring, cognitive analytics, cognitive services, industry 4.0, industry analytics, predicive analytics, predictive maintenance


After finishing my bachelor and master in computational linguistics and computer science, I did a Ph. D. in artificial intelligence. Today I work as consultant for company specialized on analytics in the field of business intelligence. My main focus is on data mining, artificial intelligence and text mining.

Examples of previous talks / appearances:

Chatbots - was Unternehmen wissen müssen

Sie sind Markenbotschafter, Kundenbetreuer und persönliche Assistenten: Chatbots erobern im Sturm die digitale Welt. Doch wo liegen die Vorteile? Dieser Artikel gibt Antworten auf alles Wissenswerte.

This talk is in: German
mayato erweitert Data-Science-Portfolio um Text Mining und Sentiment-Analyse

Big Data – mittels Text Mining und Sentiment-Analysen erkennen die mayato Experten in unstrukturierten Texten Stimmungen, Zusammenhänge und Trends

This talk is in: German