Main focus: radio active
Twitter handle: @wellenleiter
Languages: English, German, Spanish
City: München
Country: Germany
Topics: women in tech, raspberry pi, iot, arduino, diy, community media, software defined radio, cryptoparty, future of broadcasting, 5g, antennas, fair spectrum access
Services: Talk, Workshop management, Consulting, Coaching
I am facinated by tec. After optimising transmissions over the air for some years, I started reporting about tec. My main topics were research and technology for radio (mainly Deutschlandfunk) and print/online (mainly Heise).
Beside the mode of operation of technology, I am interested in the interaction between technology and society, the possibilities that are opened with new technologies, but also the side-effects.
I love building robots, interacting with its surrounding by sensors, motors and blinking eyes. I love giving workshops e.g. in Arduio-basics, controling sensors and motors with raspberry-pi, building antennas or cryptoparties. Best with genderbalanced groups or FNTI* groups.
Furthermore I am volunteering for community media for a long time, for some years I have been in the managing boards of BFR (Bundes Freier Radios) und CMFE (Community Media Forum Europe), where I am still in the expert-board. Here I am mostly concerned with new transmission technology (DAB, IP, mobile broadband, 5G) and its impact on community media.
Since 2020 I am trainer for tec-trends (e.g. 5G, IoT) for public broadcasters at the ARD/ZDF-Medienakademie. My day job is RF-/antenna-engineering.
Examples of previous talks / appearances:
Getting things move in interaction with the surrounding gives your robots or other creatures more 'personality'. Here is an example of an eye starting to blink if you approach and getting faster and faster if you are getting too close.
Globuli is a Robot always circulation in the direction somebody approaches and also blinking with the eyes...which is supposed to work as a propaganda bot at events:
The Workshop will give a short introduction on programming with Arduino, the technology of different distance sensors and servos and how to get
them controlled with an Arduino. Please bring your Arduino and Servo an US- or IR-Sensor (e.g. HC - SR04) if possible. I will bring a bunch of Ultrasonic Ranging Module HC - SR04 and some sparse Arduino. You should have a running Arduino Software ( and Servo-Library (
For FNIs only. *
Encoding or decoding random radio-waveforms doesn’t need incredible expensive hardware anymore which offers new possibilities for building up over-the-air communication systems. There are Software Defined Radios providing affordable cellular radio to remote villages, Community Radios are using SDR to build up digital radio networks and other cool stuff.
Some basic knowledge what is going on in SDR Hard/Software as the influence of the samplerate, I/Q-data of the math behind the waterfall-diagram is helpful to have fun with SDR. Some theory on modulation techniques helps you to decode or encode your waveforms.
With a cheap DVB-T USB receiver used with some SDR-Software you can already have a look whats going on in the airwaves around you at certain frequencies. But what happens between the antenna and your computer display showing or decoding the signal? The talk should give basic information and background about SDR and some modulation theory.
This talk is in: English
How 150 year old equations still help to communicate.
Maxwell's equations are four differential equations which form the foundation of classical electrodynamics, classical optics, and electric circuits. This talk will take a look at the connection between these equations, wave propagation and antenna arrays.
Neben der ‚herkömmlichen‘ Programmverbreitung über den Sender nutzen immer mehr Radios auch die Möglichkeiten, das Programm per Internetstream zu verbreiten und Podcasts zum nachhören einzelner Beiträge ins Netz zu stellen.
Dieser Kurs beleuchtet die einzelnen Komponenten, die dabei zum Einsatz kommen. Vom Mikro, Mischpult, Kompressor über die Digitalisierung in der Soundkarte bis zur Komprimierung, um das Audiomaterial auf eine anständige Größe zu bekommen. Mit vielen Hörbeispielen und Übungen wird das Thema anschaulich dargestellt um ein gut klingendes Signal ins Netz zu bekommen. Dabei werden neben der praktischen Anwendung auch die physikalischen Hintergründe thematisiert und auf aktuelle technische Entwicklungen eingegangen.